Women come in all shapes and sizes, but which body type do men prefer: Kim Kardashian curves and an ample bust, or a willowy supermodel physique?女性的體型和大小各不一樣,但是男人最喜歡哪一種才是男人最喜歡的呢?金·卡戴珊的豐乳肥臀還是苗條的模特身材? We decided to answer the question once and for all by parading three different female body types - curvy, slim and athletic - in front of a group of men.我們決定一次性來回答這個問題。在一群男人面前展示女性豐滿,苗條和健美三種不同身體類型。 The men wore sophisticated

eye-tracking devices which analysed which women they spent the most time looking at, and therefore the body type they were most drawn to. We enlisted the help of three models - Sophia De Lancey, 30, Stephanie Warren, 27, and Inesa De La Roche, 35 - and stood them next to each other while the ten men walked into the room one by one to meet them.這些男人將戴上進步前輩的眼球追蹤設備來分析他們在哪一個女人身上停留的時間最長,這樣就說明哪一種身體最吸引他們。我們徵集了三個不同身材的女性——30歲的索菲婭·德·蘭西,27歲的斯蒂芬妮·沃倫和35歲的伊內薩·德·拉·羅切。她們三小我私家站一排,10個男人依次進房間觀察她們。While Stephanie showcased her Kim Kardashian-like curves, her fellow models had supermodel-esque and Instagram-fit bodies respectively.雖然斯蒂芬妮擁有像金·卡戴珊一樣前凸後翹的身材,但是她的同伴索菲婭和伊內薩擁有超模和健美的魔鬼身材。

We then fitted the men with eye-tracking devices to find out which body types they were naturally most drawn to over a 30-second period.我們讓男性戴上眼球追蹤設備,他們要在30秒內潛意識找到最吸引他們的身體類型。 The girls put their figures on show in cut-off denim shorts and tight-fitting vest tops, with one of our testers, Tony, the girl on the left, Sophia, was his favourite. 三個女孩把她們的數字貼在超短牛崽褲和緊身背心上,我們的第一個測試者,託尼,他最喜歡左邊的女孩索菲亞。 Although the men weren't told who they they dwelled on the longest, Tony looked at Sophia for 13 seconds, Stephanie for 11 seconds and Inesa for six seconds over a 30 second period.男性不知道他們看誰的時間最長,在30秒的時間裡,託尼盯著索菲亞看了13秒,斯蒂芬妮11秒,伊內薩6秒。

Meanwhile, Jay claimed he didn't have a favourite at all and Matt admitted he was 'wary' of where he was looking. Jay looked at curvy Stephanie the longest, while Matt spent almost twice as long looking at athletic Sophia as anyone else. 然而,傑說沒有一個是他喜歡的。馬特承認他在看的過程當中特別很是小心。傑看斯蒂芬妮的時間最長,但是馬特看健身的索菲亞的時間是其他兩位模特的兩倍。 Tony, who also looked at Sophia the longest, said: 'I wasn’t too surprised with my score as I think it reflects who was the most chatty when I was in the room.'看蘇菲亞最長時間的託尼說:“我對這個數據其實不感到奇怪,因為這反映了當時在房間裡誰是最健談的。” Overall, slim Inesa scored the lowest with 29 per cent of the glances, while curvy Stephanie scored the highest at 36 per cent. Meanwhile, Sophia came second with 35 per cent. 總的來說,身材苗條的伊內薩29%的掃視得分最低,身材豐滿的斯蒂芬妮以36%的掃視得分最高,同時索菲亞35%排名第二。The findings totally contradict a recent study that suggested men find thinner women most attractive because they associate their body shape with youth, fertility and a lower risk of disease.這一結果與最近的研究查詢拜訪完全不符,最新的研究查詢拜訪透露表現男人認為身材苗條的女性更具有吸引力,因為他們認為身材苗條的女人年輕、生育能力強,患病率低。Researchers at the University of Aberdeen found that 'evolutionary fitness' determined what men find appealing. 阿伯丁大學的研究人員發現“進化健身法”決定了什麼樣的身材可以或許吸引男人。




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