As they say, birds of a feather flock together, which might help explain why so many teachers wind up marrying other teachers or why farmers tend to marry farmers.俗語說,物以類聚,人以群分。也許這就解釋了為何老師與當在一起,農戶跟農戶結對了。But not all occupations see common matchups between people with the same or similar jobs.不過,其實不是所有職業的情侶都在相同或相似的領域裡。By scanning US Census Bureau data covering 3.5 million households, Bloomberg compiled this interactive chart that shows how people are pairing up by profession. You'd be better off explaining these matchups with another old cliché — perhaps opposites do attract:Bloomberg分析了美國人口統計局中關於350萬戶家庭的數據,列出了一個交互式圖表,探討人們是如何根據職業來尋找伴侶的。也許就可以很好地用另外一個老生常談來解釋了這些情侶了——也許是南北極互補。1.CEOs1. 行政總裁Male CEOs who marry women are most likely to marry elementary- and middle-school teachers.男性總裁最有可能與小學或中學老師配對。2. Flight attendants2. 飛機乘務員Female flight attendants who marry men are most likely to marry managers.女性遨遊飛翔乘務員最有可能與處於管理層的男性配對。Male flight attendants who marry women are most likely to marry elementary- and middle-school teachers.男性遨遊飛翔乘務員最有可能與小學或中學老師配對。3. Registered nurses3. 註冊護士Female registered nurses who marry men are most likely to marry managers.女性註冊護士最有可能與處於管理層的男性配對。4. Bill and account collectors 4. 債務催收員Female bill and account collectors who marry men are most likely to marry truck drivers.女性債務催收員最有可能與卡車司機配對。5. Truck drivers5. 卡車司機Male truck drivers who marry women are most likely to marry secretaries and administrative assistants.男性卡車司機最有可能與祕書或行政助理配對。Female truck drivers who marry men are most likely to marry or male managers.女性卡車司機最有可能與男性管理人員配對。6. Police officers6. 警察官員Police officers who marry women or men are most likely to marry elementary- and middle-school teachers.警察官員最有可能與小學或中學老師配對。7. Customer-service representatives7. 客服代表Female customer-service representatives who marry men are most likely to marry truck drivers.女性客服代表最有可能與卡車司機配對。8. Civil engineers8. 土木工程師Female civil engineers who marry men are most likely to marry hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists.女性土木工程師最有可能與理髮師、髮型師或美容師配對。Male civil engineers who marry women are most likely to marry elementary- and middle-school teachers.男性土木工程師最有可能與小學或中學老師配對。9. Computer and information-systems managers9. 較量爭論機與信息管理員Male computer and information-systems managers who marry women are most likely to marry elementary- and middle-school teachers.男性信息管理員最有可能與小學或中學老師配對。Female computer and information-systems managers who marry men are most likely to marry production workers.女性信息管理員最有可能與生產工人配對。10. Musicians and singers10.音樂家和歌唱家Musicians and singers are most likely to marry textile-machine operators.音樂家和歌唱家最有可能與紡織機器操作員配對。11. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers11. 遨遊飛翔員和遨遊飛翔工程師Male aircraft pilots and flight engineers who marry women are most likely to marry elementary- and middle-school teachers.男性遨遊飛翔員和遨遊飛翔工程師最有可能與小學或中學老師配對。Female aircraft pilots and flight engineers who marry men are most likely to marry human-resources workers.女性遨遊飛翔員和遨遊飛翔工程師最有可能與人力資源管理人員配對。12. Dancers and choreographers12. 舞蹈家和舞蹈編導Female dancers and choreographers who marry men are most likely to marry welding, soldering, and brazing workers.女性舞蹈家最有可能與焊接工人配對。Male dancers and choreographers who marry women are most likely to marry lawyers and judges.男性舞蹈家最有可能與律師或法官配對。13. Travel agents13. 旅行社代辦署理人Female travel agents who marry men are most likely to marry electrical and electronics engineers.旅行社代辦署理人最有可能與電氣工程師或電子工程師配對。14. Medical assistants14. 醫護助理Female medical assistants who marry men are most likely to marry truck drivers.女性醫護助理最有可能與卡車司機配對。15. Enlisted military15. 現役軍人Male enlisted military who marry women are most likely to marry hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists.男性現役軍人最有可能與理髮師,髮型師或美容師配對。Female enlisted military who marry men are most likely to marry health practitioner, support technologists and technicians.女性現役軍人最有可能與照顧護士師、技術專家或技術人員配對。
As they say, birds of a feather flock together, which might help explain why so …
文/運勢君 維權騎士簽約作者運勢君的原創文章,未經授權,禁止轉載,侵權必究! 陷入愛河的你們決定一起去約會,感到口渴時對方主動提出去買一些飲料回來,這時候他詢…
我凍著了 .. .. .. 你在乎嘛. 我喝酒了 .. .. .. 你在乎嘛. 我心痛了 .. .. .. 你在乎嘛. 我想你了 .. …
文/運勢君 維權騎士簽約作者運勢君的原創文章,未經授權,禁止轉載,侵權必究! 在現代社會中,女性已經不像過去那樣是男性的附屬品了,她們擁有著和男生一樣的社會地…