科室: 血液科 主任醫師 劉新建
初診的慢性粒細胞白血病治療策略調整―第二代絡氨酸激酶抑制劑在慢粒一線治療中的作用 Evolving treatment strategies for patients newly diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia: the role of second-generation BCRCABL inhibitors as first-line therapy

P J Shami and M Deininger河南省腫瘤醫院血液科劉新建


In patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), disease in the initial chronic phase (CP) and subsequent progression are driven by the oncogenic activity of the BCRCABL fusion kinase. Imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor of BCRCABL, has been the mainstay of first-line therapy for CML for 10 years. Although patients with CMLCCP respond well to imatinib, those who have delayed reductions in leukemic burden during imatinib therapy, such as not achieving a complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) by 12 months, have an increased risk of disease progression. It has been recognized, with 8 years of observation, that patients who achieve an early major molecular response (MMR) on imatinib have a very low probability of disease progression. Recent randomized phase 3 trials have shown that first-line treatment with dasatinib or nilotinib―more potent BCRCABL inhibitors―results in significantly higher rates and more rapid achievement of CCyR and MMR in comparison with standard-dose imatinib. These trials suggest that CML treatment can be improved with more potent BCRCABL inhibition during initial therapy, but further follow-up is needed to confirm that the improved response rates with dasatinib and nilotinib are maintained long term.

Leukemia 26, 214-224 (February 2012) |doi:10.1038/leu.2011.217

各位朋友:恕我沒有時間咬文啄字的翻譯,如需瞭解詳細內容,可以諮詢我。謝謝!河南省血液病研究所  劉新建


1、  攜帶診斷慢粒的骨髓細胞形態學、染色體、融合基因等報告單、病歷、診斷證明到當地農合辦領取申請表(即檔案後附件一,如當地農合沒有,可直接影印附件一)。一式三份,貼照片,蓋章。同時辦理門診電子轉診至河南省腫瘤醫院。(注:如患者正住院治療,需辦理出院手續後,方能辦理門診轉診手續。)

2、  攜帶三份申請表、門診電子轉診單、身份證、農合本、戶口本、病歷所有資料,到省腫瘤醫院(東明路與緯五路交叉口)。

3、  註冊醫生登記患者病歷資料,開處方三份(一份留醫院,一份寄慈善總會,一份供低保戶民政局報銷用)。一次取最多兩盒藥(避免出現副作用或病情變化無法繼續服用時無法退藥,而造成不必要經濟損失)。

4、  到門診二樓農合辦審查證件,辦理登記。

5、  繳費(每月費用約2萬4千元,僅付20%,即4800元。餘80%醫院墊付,以後醫院和當地農合結賬)。領藥。

6、  發票影印4份,拿回醫生處蓋章(一份寄慈善總會、一份供低保戶民政局報銷用、一份留醫生處、一份患者保留)。

7、  註冊醫生填寫申請慈善援助申請表,申請第4到12個月免費贈藥。申請表到當地鄉、鎮政府蓋章。

8、  第2、3月不用再到當地農合申請,拿原來的申請表即可直接來開處方買藥。如正在住院治療,仍需辦理出院手續後到農合再次申請。

9、  服藥2個月後,複查骨髓細胞形態學、染色體、融合基因等,註冊醫生填寫醫學評估書。

10、       將三個月的購藥處方、發票影印件、慈善援助申請表、醫學評估書、身份證影印件、戶口本影印件、農合本或卡影印件寄北京中華慈善總會。等待慈善總會通知。

11、       第四個月接到通知後,必須患者本人到註冊醫生處開免費領藥處方,到省慈善總會領藥,一月一次。

12、       第二年重複上述程式,再次申請,但不需要到鄉鎮政府蓋章。

不詳之處敬請聯絡: 河南省腫瘤醫院血液科九病區主任  劉新建主任醫師 0371-65587310



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