科室: 整形外科 主任醫師 郭麗麗

郭麗麗 陳F靜#  劉林

鄭州大學第一附屬醫院整形外科  鄭州  450052鄭州大學一附院整形外科郭麗麗

摘 要: 目的 探討中原未婚青年女性上肢美學標準的正常值,為上肢美容術提供參考和依據併為人類形態學積累資料。方法 測量603名健康未婚青年女性的身高、體質量、上肢長、全臂長、上臂長、腋窩-橈骨莖突距、上臂最粗點肘橫紋距、前臂最粗點肘橫紋距、上肢根部圍、腋窩部位上臂圍、上臂圍、上臂最小圍、肘圍、前臂最大圍、前臂最小圍等專案,計算各測量值的均值和標準差,對其有關的各項指標用SPSS15.0 統計軟體進行相關性分析。結果 身高(163.3648±4.3382)M、體質量(55.3232±21.7951)K、上肢長(70.7197±2.8534)M、全臂長(52.7545±2.2544)M、上臂長(30.2470±1.4987)M、腋窩-橈骨莖突距(20.3266±1.2353)M、上臂最粗點肘橫紋距(5.9021±1.2330)M、前臂最粗點肘橫紋距(12.6699±1.0192)M、上肢根部圍(36.9187±2.5863)M、腋窩部位上臂圍(27.3515±1.2717)M、上臂圍(24.2603±8.3830)M、上臂最小圍(21.3880±1.5759)M、肘圍(21.3466±1.4967)M、前臂最大圍(21.6666±1.3118)M、前臂最小圍(14.8225±0.9222)M、上肢標準指數(43.29±0.0123)%、上肢-上臂長度指數(42.77±0.0146)%、前臂圍度指數(68.50±0.0374)%、上臂最粗點肘橫紋距/腋窩莖突距/%(62.37±0.0407)%、腋窩部上臂圍/上肢根部圍/%(72.62±0.0984)%、上臂最小圍/上臂圍/%(89.50±0.062)%;上肢長、全臂長、上臂長、腋窩-橈骨莖突距、上臂最粗點肘橫紋距、上肢根部圍、上臂最小圍、肘圍、前臂最大圍、前臂最小圍、上肢-上臂長度指數與身高、體質量均有關;上臂最粗點肘橫紋距/腋窩莖突距、上臂最小圍/上臂圍、前臂圍度指數與身高、體質量均無關;前臂最粗點肘橫紋距與身高有關,與體質量無關;腋窩部位上臂圍、上臂圍、腋窩部上臂圍/上肢根部圍與身高無關,與體質量有關;上肢標準指數與體質量有關。結論


關鍵詞: 未婚青年女性;上肢;測量 

Measurement and related fact analysis of Upper extremity Length in Middle area young unmarried female

Guo Lili ,Chen Minjing, Liu Linbo

Department of Plastic Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052China

Abstract  Objective To investigate the aesthetic standard of upper extremity length in young unmarried female, and provide an additional reference for upper extremity-plasty. Methods According to the datum of the 603 young healthy women aged 17to24, The mean, standard of height, weight, upper extremity length, total arm length, upper arm length, armpit to wrist distance, scye circumference, axillary arm circumference, biceps circumference, minimum biceps circumference, elbow circumference, maximum forearm circumference, minimum forearm circumference were calculated. Correlations between these parameters were analyzed by SPSS 15.0 software. Results

Height was (163.3648±4.3382)cm, weight was (55.3232±21.7951)kg, upper extremity length was (70.7197±2.8534)cm, total arm length was (52.7545±2.2544)cm, upper arm length was (30.2470±1.4987)cm, armpit to wrist distance (20.3266±1.2353)cm, scye circumference (36.9187±2.5863)cm, axillary arm circumference (27.3515±1.2717)cm, elbow circumference was (21.3466±1.4967)cm, biceps circumference (24.2603±8.3830)cm, minimum biceps circumference was (21.3880±1.5759)cm, maximum forearm circumference was (21.6666±1.3118)cm, minimum forearm circumference was (14.8225±0.9222)cm, upper extremity length to height ratio was (43.29±0.0123)%, upper arm length to upper extremity length ratio (42.77±0.0146)%, minimum biceps circumference to biceps circumference was (89.50±0.062)%, forearm girth index was (68.50±0.0374)%, distance from biceps maximal girth point to elbow ratio was (5.9021±1.2330) cm, distance from forearm maximal girth point to elbow was (12.6699±1.0192) cm. Upper extremity length, upper arm length, total arm length, armpit to wrist distance, scye circumference, minimum biceps circumference, elbow circumference, maximum forearm circumference, minimum forearm circumference had significant correlation with height, weight. Axillary arm circumference, biceps circumference had significant correlation with weight, but had no significant correlation with height. Forearm girth index had no significant correlation with height, weight. Conclusion This article has some reference value on analyzing the characteristic of human and upper extremity cosmetology .

Key words  Unmarried female, Upper extremity, Measurement 


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